A pregnant woman from Indiana suffered health complications that forced an emergency C-section. That was only the start of her challenging journey. She spent months in a coma, but her prayerful husband refused to give up.

Autumn and Zack Carver were excited to welcome their third child together. The couple met as teenagers and had a beautiful love story. However, they never expected the painful chapter awaiting them in 2021.

During Autumn’s eighth month of pregnancy, she and Zack fell ill with COVID-19. The doting mother was hospitalized and gave birth to her baby boy, Huxley. He was healthy and happy, but his mother remained in the ICU fighting for her life.

Zack Carver | Source: Youtube.com/The 700 Club

Zack Carver | Source: Youtube.com/The 700 Club

What was supposed to be a happy day became a nightmare for the couple. Zack was completely unprepared and what happened next turned his life and that of his wife upside down.

The Worst Day of Zack’s Life

What was intended to be one of the happiest days in the couple’s life turned out to be the opposite. Zack called it “the worst day in [his] life.” Autumn’s primary doctor didn’t think she would survive the ordeal, and after two months on life support, the professional suggested Zack switch off the machines.

The experience was unforgettable for everyone and meant the world to the sickly mother. The special meeting was an answer to one of Zack’s prayers.

The doctor wanted her husband to let Autumn pass away peacefully. But Zack refused to stop believing his wife would make a full recovery. He prayed for her “every second” of the day and had an army of online prayer warriors trusting God for a miracle. Despite a zero percent chance of survival, they had faith.

Zack’s Request

Zack couldn’t imagine a world without Autumn and said, “I don’t know life without her.” He was heartbroken that his wife hadn’t had the chance to hold their new baby boy, so he made a special request to the doctors.

The loving husband asked them to bring Autumn out of sedation so she could see and hold baby Huxley. He knew it could be the first and last time she did this, so he pleaded with the medical team. They agreed and granted the mother an unforgettable moment with her precious child.

The Memorable Meeting

The experience was imprinted in everyone’s mind and meant the world to the sickly mother. The special meeting was an answer to one of Zack’s prayers. The proud father recalled:

“Her parents, one of her best friends, and many nurses and doctors witnessed the special moment. I don’t know if there was a dry eye in the area. What an amazing day.”

That moment changed the trajectory of Autumn’s life and gave hope to her husband. Zack’s faith and prayers finally hit a breakthrough for the ill woman and gave the small family a chance for happiness.

Autumn’s Slow Recovery Journey

Autumn wasn’t out of the woods yet. Doctors suggested the option of a lung transplant to aid her recovery, but Zack sought another professional opinion first. He still believed his wife would be miraculously healed.

Thankfully, the thoracic surgeon didn’t think the mother needed a transplant. The husband shared:

“[The doctor] came in and said, ‘You don’t need a lung transplant. You’re going to be fine.’ It was super good news. We embraced in a hug and thanked God and the doctor.”

Everyone watched in awe as Autumn finally showed signs of improvement. Her progress was slow, but Zack knew she would be okay. What his wife went through altered the course of their lives.

The Experience Changed Them

After three months, Autumn got the all-clear and went home in December 2021. She was a changed person. Zack excitedly gave friends and family an update, stating:

“Such a happy, emotional, overwhelming day. I had to step back many times and look at all the greatness. We surprised our daughters. I think they were in shock. Neither of them could talk or react.”

Countless people drove past the family’s house to support the brave wife and mother. The couple was emotional and thanked everyone for their unending prayers and love. After all she went through, Autumn had some inspiring words to share with the world.

A Message from Autumn

The Carver family remained thankful for the blessing of life, and Autumn shared that her daughter told her she believed in miracles now. The mother, who was once on life support, also said:

“Every day is a gift. Tell people you love them and give lots of hugs. It can just all change so quickly and you don’t want to leave anything unsaid.”

Zack also shared that he started praying with his children every night, something he hadn’t done before. Their lives would never be the same again, and they never took the miracle for granted.

Zack and Autumn were in awe of their blessings and hoped their story would encourage others to spread more love because life is short. We wish them many happy and healthy years together with their family.