At 64, Andie MacDowell prepared herself to be a grandmother. She is proud of her gray hair, wrinkles, and her age. She weathered criticism so she could be happy in her own skin.
Getting older as a prominent figure in Hollywood can be daunting. With constant scrutiny from countless fans, it’s no wonder a large number of actors turn to cosmetic surgery to maintain their youthful looks.
However, not every celebrity subscribes to the notion that aging is a bad thing. Andie MacDowell never tried to hide her signs of aging, preferring instead to wear her maturity with pride.

The “St. Elmo’s Fire” star shared a story from when she was 40. At the time, many journalists focused on her age, and they all wanted to know how she felt about growing older. One journalist asked her how she felt about “losing [her] beauty,” and she recalled:
“I said, ‘I really don’t feel like I’m losing my beauty. I just feel like it’s a different kind of beauty.'”

As she grew older, MacDowell advocated for accepting natural beauty. Although she never faulted anyone for getting cosmetic surgery, she said she would never get work done on herself. She believes growing older naturally is a beautiful process.
Most recently, MacDowell decided to make a bold statement by refusing to color her hair as she aged.

The actress admitted to trying Botox once but despised it and decided never to do it again. She also shared that she consulted a plastic surgeon once and left the office after a brief chat, knowing she would never go back.
MacDowell tries to care for her skin by getting facials and looking after herself instead of getting plastic surgery. The actress mentioned that she has accepted herself and who she has become over the years.

Throughout her career, MacDowell has worked as a spokesperson for the cosmetics company L’Oréal. She shared that working for popular brand has been fantastic since they have always supported her and allowed her to