- This woman did not think the man who came to lunch with his own oatmeal packets would become her husband.
- At first, she thought he was strange and turned him down three times.
- They’ve been married for 18 years, share two children, and they make movies together.
Sometimes, couples are not always on the same page regarding their first dates, which was the case for this couple. To the woman who worked as a producer, going out for dinner with colleagues was just as casual as it sounds, but for the man, who already had his eyes on her, the dinner counted as their first date.

The couple in France in 2005 | Source: Getty Images
Interestingly, the actor asked the producer out three times before she agreed to go out with him. There could have been many reasons behind her reluctance; for instance, on their first encounter, the woman thought the actor was strange.
While they were having lunch in Montreal with other actors like Halle Berry, everyone was having Japanese, while this actor brought out packets of oatmeal and raved about how much of a “superfood” it was.

The couple in France in 2005 | Source: Getty Images
In addition to the weird conversation about oatmeal, the actor also brought out a variety of herbs and started doing yoga poses. “I mean, he was interesting but weird,” the producer thought.
As they looked back at the beginning of their relationship, the producer did not see that lunch with colleagues as their first date because she was still producing the movie they were working on, so she felt they were on different pages. However, he had convinced himself that the encounter was their first date, despite how strange he might have seemed.
The actor was Robert Downey Jr., and the woman was Susan Downey. When he finally got her to go out with him, their relationship started moving fast. Within three months, the “The Judge” actor proposed to Susan, but she accepted the proposal on a few conditions.
Susan asked for a long engagement of about two years, and if Robert really wanted to be with her, he would give up all drugs. Should he fail to do so, then she would leave. The mother of two had never dealt with addiction. ”I was incredibly ignorant of...