Thirteen-year-old twins, Mike and Steve, are on the run from foster care. While digging through a dumpster for food, Steve discovers a jacket with a unique bottle of perfume in its pocket. He’s convinced this is a sign his mom is still alive and sets out to find her.
Two runaway boys slipped into the service area at the back of an upmarket strip mall. Steve flashed his twin, Mike, a gleeful grin as they hurried toward the closest dumpster.
“See? It wasn’t so difficult to get away from that foster family,” Steve said.
Mike humphed and lifted the dumpster lid. “For now. They’ll report us to Child Services though, and then we’ll have to worry about cops as well as finding food.” Mike sighed. “And there’s nothing to eat in this dumpster.”
“Wait, what’s that?” Steve reached in and removed a cardboard box. Unfortunately, there wasn’t food inside it, just a shabby jacket.
“This might work as a pillow or blanket, right?” Steve lifted the jacket.
Mike rolled his eyes and leaned over to dig deeper into the dumpster. Steve noticed something inside the jacket’s pocket. Curious, he withdrew a small bottle that sent a chill down his spine.
“Mike! It’s the handmade perfume Mom used…” Steve grabbed his brother’s shoulder and thrust the bottle in front of his face. “Do you think…could this be Mom’s jacket?”
For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels
“Don’t be stupid.” Mike shoved Steve’s shoulder. “Mom wasn’t the only person who used that perfume, and besides, she’s dead, Steve.”
Steve shook his head and continued rifling through the box. “The policeman said she’s a missing person, not dead. That means she’s still out there somewhere.”
“No, she isn’t!” Mike shouted. He glared at Steve, fury turning his cheeks red. His jaw clenched tight, and he turned his attention back to the dumpster. “But keep on dreaming, if that makes you feel better.”
Steve was convinced this perfume bottle was a sign. He found a receipt among the junk in the box and smiled when he noted the address on it.
“Now we know where this jacket was thrown away, and where to start searching for information about Mom!” Steve waved the receipt at Mike.
“Don’t even look at me,” Mike replied as he dug through the trash. “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Stop being so negative, Mike! We can’t give up on Mom; we must fight to the end.”
“Sure.” Mike jumped down and walked toward the next dumpster. “How about you fight to the end of that dumpster and find us something to eat?”