An elderly man comes to the rescue of a single mom when a wheel comes off her baby’s stroller. Days later he finds himself on board a private jet on his way to a tropical location.
Joseph Benjamin had few dreams. At seventy-two, the widowed father of two knew what life held in store for him every single day. He got up when the sun rose and cycled to the bakery for fresh rolls.
He would then cycle back, eat breakfast, do some chores and wait for lunchtime. In the afternoons, he pottered around his little workshop and fiddled with his inventions until dinner, then he was in bed by sundown. Life was always the same until he met April and Emma.

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That day started out with Joe peddling his bike to the bakery, but on the way, he saw a young woman in a grey tracksuit struggling with an old-fashioned ungainly stroller.
One of the wheels of the stroller had come off, and the woman seemed to be trying to push it back into place while her baby wailed in protest inside the lopsided stroller.
“Excuse me,” Joe said gently. “Do you need help?”
The woman looked up, and Joe saw tears in her eyes. “Yes,” she said. “I think I do!” Then, to Joe’s discomfort, she started crying.
An act of kindness can change your life.
“Please don’t cry,” Joe said, awkwardly patting the woman’s shoulder. “We’ll soon have everything fixed up good as new!”

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“I’m so stupid,” the woman sobbed. “I should never have brought this old stroller out, but… It was mine when I was a baby, you see…”
“That’s nice!” Joe said. “I saved up all my children’s old toys, and my grandkids love them!”
The woman smiled and said: “Yes! I have all my old children’s books and toys too! But I didn’t think the stroller was so wonky. It was in the attic of my parent’s old place, and I grew nostalgic.”
“Let’s see what we can do,” Joe said. He took his small tool kit from the bike’s panniers and knelt by the stroller. “Aha! It’s not broken! One of the lugnuts is loose; that’s why it popped out.”
Joe fiddled with the wheel a bit then said, “You’d best take the baby out; the wheel might give a bit of a jolt when it pops back into place.