The boy comes to his grandmother’s farm to celebrate Thanksgiving, but then suddenly disappears. The whole family is shocked.
Jared was only eight years old and had lived in the city his entire life. Up until then, his grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins had always traveled up to L.A. for Thanksgiving, but this year was going to be different.
Since his grandmother was turning seventy-five two days after Thanksgiving, the family decided to get together on their farm in Georgia. That way they’d celebrate Thanksgiving, then have a birthday party.

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Jared had never been on a farm before, so his parents drove down a few days early and he loved it. On the first day, he drove his grandfather mad by asking a hundred and one questions and visiting every nook and cranny of the old place.
But the thing that enchanted Jared the most was the animals. He fed the chickens and the ducks and helped his grandmother gather the eggs, then they went to feed the pig and that was when Jared saw the turkey.
Children have kind hearts and are always ready to make new friends — animals or humans.
“WOW!” Jared gasped. “That’s the biggest turkey I ever saw! What’s his name?”
“Well now,” said Grandma Sadie. “I don’t think he has a name!”
“He has to have a name, Grandma Sadie,” said Jared seriously.
“Jared,” his grandma said, “I don’t usually give the animals names, honey, but you go right ahead!”

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Jared looked at the turkey and the turkey looked right back at him and gobbled and shot its beak at him. “Bob!” cried Jared. “He looks like a Bob!”
“Bob it is!” said Grandma Sadie. “Would you like to give Bob his corn?”
Jared picked up some corn in his hand and came closer to Bob. Grandma Sadie was worried that the turkey might peck at Jared and scare him, but Bob behaved like a perfect gentleman.
“Grandma!” Jared cried. “Bob likes me! Maybe I can teach him some tricks!” Grandma smiled and shook her head because she knew something Jared didn’t: Bob was destined for Thanksgiving dinner.
That night around the dinner table, all Jared talked about was Bob and how clever he was and how gently he’d eaten out of his hand. “Mom, Dad,” cried Jared. “You’ve got to come and meet Bob!”