Kimaada Ellison’s little girl | Kimaada Ellison’s son, daughter, and little girl | Source:

Mothers are known for their selfless nature, unconditional love, and endless devotion. One single mom was the true personification of these facets because even in the face of adversity, she persevered for her kids’ sake. Here’s how the universe rewarded her for her hard work.

Kimaada Ellison was a woman of many introductions, but being a parent was her favorite. Despite enduring trials and tribulations, she never once wavered and stayed resilient in the wake of unlikely circumstances. She was hard-working, determined, and a person of faith.

While things didn’t go as planned for this Missouri woman, she learned to keep going for her family, and her persistence and diligence eventually paid off. Let’s look at how she made the seemingly impossible task possible with her unswerving determination and undying hope.

Raising Her Kids Alone

Kimaada was forced to raise her five kids as a single parent after their father left them. When she and her partner of 22 years went their separate ways, she could no longer afford the house and ended up losing everything.

On Christmas 2022, the devoted mother took her kids to what they thought was a cozy Airbnb, so they could relax and bake cookies like they used to in their old home.

From being on the brink of homelessness to living in other people’s basements for nearly eight months, Kimaada saved enough money to buy a small home. But she knew her two-bedroom unit wasn’t spacious enough to fit five children and an adult.

The living room | Source:

The living room | Source:

Working Hard despite the Challenges

The mom of five found herself in a real predicament, particularly when it came to providing for her family. “The kids’ grades were dropping. I was frustrated. It was just a lot,” she recalled. To navigate life amid the darkness, Kimaada sought refuge in prayer and vowed to work hard.

Although she had been teaching for over two decades, she could not support her large brood on her single salary. Thereafter, she took on two more jobs—the dedicated mom began braiding hair and worked in an Amazon warehouse while continuing her teaching job.

Kimaada Ellison's two daughters | Source:

Kimaada Ellison’s two daughters | Source:

A Sweet Labor of Love

But that wasn’t all. Kimaada, who hoped to become a principal one day, had to put her studies on hold because she couldn’t afford the tuition fee. Fortunately, everything came full circle when she earned enough money from her three jobs to buy a new house for her beloved kids.

On Christmas 2022, the devoted mother took her kids to what they thought was a cozy Airbnb, so they could relax and bake cookies like they used to in their old home. Unbeknownst to them, they were, in fact, stepping inside their new home, which was their affectionate mom’s labor of love.

Kimaada Ellison's son and daughter are awestruck after discovering her surprise. | Source:

Kimaada Ellison’s son and daughter are awestruck after discovering her surprise. | Source:

The Mother’s Question That Gave Away the Surprise

A heartwarming video captured the youngsters’ epic reactions as they opened the door and walked inside the property they were told had been rented by their mom for the festive season. But as soon as Kimaada’s little girl spotted a lovely family portrait lying in one corner, she couldn’t contain her excitement.

As her children continued looking around the house, Kimaada asked them if they found it pretty, and they nodded. Soon afterward, she asked them a question she knew would give away her surprise and light up their innocent faces. Kimaada said:

“What if I told you, you could stay here forever?”

Kimaada's young daughter standing close to the family portrait | Source:

Kimaada’s young daughter standing close to the family portrait | Source:

The Youngsters’ Awesome Reaction

Kimaada’s brood—Rene, 25, Kahalia, 21, Kiari, 18, Kanani, 12, and Kimora, 6, were flabbergasted when they realized they weren’t standing in an Airbnb. In between screams, giggles, and hearty laughter, the youngsters looked around the property they could finally call their own, thanks to their loving mom.

As they toured the house and saw their bedrooms, they were super ecstatic—a welcome respite for their caring mom. Kimaada’s daughter, Kahalia, posted the adorable clip on her TikTok, which has garnered millions of views.

In another TikTok clip, Kahalia shared a walk-through of all the rooms downstairs in response to a TikToker’s comment. The caption read, “Here’s part 2 of our Christmas Surprise narrated by my Mom. I’ll be posting part 3,4,5 of the rest if the house too. Thank you for all the positivity (sic).”

Words of Wisdom

Looking back on her rather challenging journey, from making ends meet to gifting her children a new home for Christmas, Kimaada, 44, shared a few golden words for anyone struggling. She expressed:

Always believe in your dreams…Life is gonna turn, throw its plot twist in there with all kind of crazy, but at the end of the day, you got to figure out how to maneuver through that and make the next chapter the best one yet (sic).”

Amassing Praise & Love Online

Kimaada’s soul-warming surprise home reveal was also shared exclusively on Happily’s YouTube channel on January 30, 2023, where it has garnered thousands of views and comments in a short time:

“What an amazing story. She’s driven, and a great mom. I wish them all the best.”

— (@AFloridaSon) January 30, 2023

“Now that’s an amazing mother! That’s exactly the mother I hope and strive to be!”

— (@user-rk6ig6zm2o) January 30, 2023 ️️

“You deserve it! I’m so proud of you. What an amazing example you are for your beautiful children. Hard work does pay off. Continued blessings for you and your family!”

— (@amandajohnson3993) January 30, 2023

“So much respect for you! I hope you can now relax after your (hopefully one) job because you DESERVE that.”

— (@angeliquemolgr26) January 30, 2023

“What an awesome story and awesome woman and family!”

— (@terriw919fyi) January 30, 2023

What a beautiful story portraying a mother’s incessant love and devotion for her children! Please share this article with your family and friends and show some love to this lovely mom in the comment section.

In the meantime, you can enjoy another story about a granddaughter who brought her grandparents to a new home and told them it belonged to them.