Bryce Dallas Howard lives in a colorful and eclectic home in Los Angeles with a rich Hollywood history.
Howard shares the house with her husband of 22 years and their two blond children.
The very pink house reflects their personalities, passions, and heritage.

Bryce Dallas Howard's Los Angeles home from a video dated June 7, 2022 | Source:

Bryce Dallas Howard is not afraid of color. The actress, director, and producer, best known for her roles in “Twilight,” “Jurassic World,” “The Help,” and “Black Mirror,” lives in a vibrant and eclectic home in Los Angeles with her husband of 22 years, actor Seth Gabel, and their two children, Theo, 16, and Beatrice, 11.

The couple was inspired by a visit to Mia Farrow’s home. They loved how her house was filled with stories and keepsakes. So, when they decided to design their own home, they wanted it to have the same feel.

Bryce Dallas Howard's Los Angeles home from a video dated June 7, 2022 | Source:

Howard also wanted her home to be personal. She roped in Claire Thomas, a family friend, to help design their home. Thomas played a crucial role in bringing their vision to life. With her knack for understanding their preferences and her ability to transform ideas into reality, she helped create a four-bedroom home that’s uniquely theirs.

Bryce Dallas Howard's Los Angeles home from a video dated June 7, 2022 | Source:

Bryce Dallas Howard's Los Angeles home from a video dated June 7, 2022 | Source:

After living in upstate New York for years, Howard, Gabel, and their two kids, Theo and Beatrice, call this place home. Each room in the house tells a story, each item representing a memory. From the vibrant colors that echo Howard’s fearless personality to the eclectic mix of furniture that speaks to their unique tastes, every detail is a testament to their life together.

Bryce Dallas Howard's Los Angeles home from a video dated June 7, 2022 | Source:

Bryce Dallas Howard's Los Angeles home from a video dated June 7, 2022 | Source:

When designing the home, Thomas saw Howard and Gabel as characters on a set and their home as the stage. This perspective, combined with her long-standing friendship with the couple, allowed her to infuse their personalities into every corner of the house. The design style, aptly named “organic glamour,” blends old Hollywood charm, vintage flair, and laid-back Californian vibes.

Bryce Dallas Howard's living room in her Los Angeles home from a video dated June 7, 2022 | Source:

Bryce Dallas Howard's Los Angeles home from a video dated June 7, 2022 | Source:

Bryce Dallas Howard's office in her Los Angeles home from a video dated June 7, 2022 | Source:

The color palette is dominated by pink and green — which Thomas jokingly says are perfect for redheads like her and Howard. From the mint-green kitchen island and baby pink cabinets to the sage green guest bedroom and the olive-colored tub, these colors bring a sense of chic fun to the house.

The house also has some darker and more dramatic elements. The dining room, for instance, is a nod to the couple’s love for cinema. Howard fondly calls it her “Miyazaki room,” inspired by the magical forest setting in her favorite film, “My Neighbor Totoro.” The room is adorned with starry woodland wallpaper and reflective brass panels on the ceiling, creating a space that feels straight out of a movie.

Bryce Dallas Howard's dining room in her Los Angeles home from a video dated June 7, 2022 | Source:

Bryce Dallas Howard's living room in her Los Angeles home from a video dated June 7, 2022 | Source:

Bryce Dallas Howard's living room in her Los Angeles home from a video dated June 7, 2022 | Source:

And the cinematic references don’t stop there. Being fans of “Star Wars” and “Star Trek,” Howard and Gabel have subtle nods to these franchises throughout their home. There’s even a mural of two suns rising — a tribute to Luke Skywalker’s home planet, Tatooine. Not to forget the Baby Yoda garlic holder keeping watch in the kitchen.

Bryce Dallas Howard's kitchen in her Los Angeles home from a video dated June 7, 2022 | Source:

Howard and Gabel’s love for “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and its retro-futuristic aesthetic found its way into their primary bedroom. The room, with its curving lines, flea market treasures, and a muted dusty rose palette, has a touch of ’80s nostalgia. Howard fondly recalls her childhood dream of living on the Starship Enterprise, drawn to the gentle futurism of Gene Roddenberry’s world.

The house is also filled with sentimental touches that reflect their journey together. A small canvas, a gift from Thomas to Howard on her 40th birthday, is embroidered with the nicknames their children have for them. As Howard puts it, it’s a “jewel box and a sandbox all in one,” a place where memories are treasured and new stories are created daily.